Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dear Myself ,

Night! :) Ok straight to da topic , One of my non Asian friend who's really damn good at writing poetry , asked me if he can write one for me . Well I would to hear what other people think about me , meh that's sound gay . lol So yes I accept . So he already send me the poem he has made special for me . I think he's amazing ! He's really good at writing poetry ! :) I just love it . Sad , I can't write a poetry so I can't write any for him . But I can write a song ;)

So here is the poem about me . FYI , Sa Rang is my Korean name :) I guess ? hahah dumbodude me . Ilikemyselfsoidon'tcarebitch :) Read by yourself I won't put a space . Yeah whatever . This is the peom :)

Sarang my illustrious queen, your beauty knows no bounds. 
You are ever so graceful and sweet.
Your gentleness has made you an oasis in a world devoid of affection.
I need you like a flower needs the sun,
You are my sunshine, Sarang.
Only you are capable of giving me, your humble manservant, a reason to live.
Your eyes are rich and full of laughter,
Your voice is as enchanting as a seductress.

Although your infatuation with ice-cream and SNSD is greater than your love for me.
I pray and hope that one day soon, 
I will be able to share my passion for anime with you.
Your intellect is astounding, you never cease to amaze. 
Even though there are times when I must correct your English, 
And teach you the difference between certain words.
I have faith that you will surpass me,
Your teacher in English and miscellaneous facts of life.

Well that's it :) I just can't stop smiling ! :)